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Browse Title Index

Browse Title Index

  • October 7, 2024 – October 10, 2024

  • May 29, 2023 – May 31, 2023

2nd International Research and Practice Conference «Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring»

Lviv, Ukraine

  • 2nd International Research and Practice Conference «Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring» (N&N-2022)

    September 25, 2022 – September 28, 2022

    Lviv, Ukraine

  • November 25, 2021 – November 26, 2021

  • February 18, 2021 – February 18, 2021

  • November 12, 2020 – November 13, 2020

  • XVIІІ Scientific Conference "Lviv Chemical Readings - 2021"

    May 31, 2021 – June 2, 2021

  • November 26, 2020 – November 27, 2020

  • October 1, 2020 – October 3, 2020

1st International Research and Practice Conference «Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring»

20-23 September 2020

Lviv, Ukraine


  • 1-st International Research and Practice Conference «Nanoobjects & Nanostructuring» (N&N-2020)

    September 20, 2020 – September 23, 2020



    ¨    Physical Chemistry of nanosized and nanostructured materials

    ¨    Nanostructuring in 0D–3D systems: thermodynamic and kinetics aspects

    ¨    Synthesis and characterisation of nano-objects

    ¨    Organic and inorganic nanomaterials. Supramolecular chemistry

    ¨    Application of nanostructured systems

The aim of the Conference is providing the scientific communication between the talented youth that works for the biological science progress. Students and PhD students that perform research in all fields of biology, biomedicine and ecology are invited for participation in the Conference. Materials of the Conference will be published in a Book of Abstracts.

  • April 27, 2020 – April 29, 2020
  • April 9, 2019 – April 11, 2019

    The aim of the Conference is providing the scientific communication between the talented youth that works for the biological science progress.

    Students and PhD students that perform research in all fields of biology, biomedicine and ecology are invited for participation in the Conference. Materials of the Conference will be published in a Book of Abstracts.

    Participants of the Conference can choose one of listed bellow forms of materials presentation:

    1. oral report,
    2. poster presentation,
    3. publication of abstract (without presentation).

    The official languages of the Conference are Ukrainian, English and Poland.


    Requirements for Participation in the Conference

    For participation in the Conference it is necessary to register untill February 1, 2019, through a link:



    Organization fee

  • October 18, 2018 – October 19, 2018

  • November 22, 2018 – November 23, 2018


Themed sessions:

  1. Current problems in linguistic research.
  2. Effective methodologies in teaching foreign languages in higher and secondary school.
  3. Foreign languages for specific purposes: specificity of teaching.
  4. Philosophical, sociological and cultural dimensions of effective communication models.
  5. Technologies and communication.


  • The second international scientific conference "Communication in Modern Society"

    June 8, 2018 – June 9, 2018

    Modern social activity predetermines a variety of vectors which could lead the life of a XXI century man: coexistence of people in a globalized world; tolerance and mutual enrichment in interethnic, international, interracial, intercongregational community; true understanding of representatives of different nations in the array of languages and cultures.

Lviv chemichal readings

  • Lviv chemichal readings

Plant Ontogenesis in Natural and Transformed Environments. Physiological, Biochemical and Ecological Aspects

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the IV International Conference “Plant Ontogenesis in Natural and Transformed Environments. Physiological and Biochemical Aspects”, which will be held on October 4-6, 2017 at the Ivan Franko National University of L’viv (Ukraine). The Conference will be devoted to general theoretical and practical aspects of the problems of plant ontogenesis. One of the most important attributes of the Conference will be the possibility to discuss scientific achievements and new ideas, to meet friends and make new contacts with colleagues from other countries.

  • Plant Ontogenesis in Natural and Transformed Environments. Physiological, Biochemical and Ecological Aspects

    October 4, 2017 – October 6, 2017


    We are pleased to announce the call for proposals for sessions at the IV International Conference “Plant Ontogenesis in Natural and Transformed Environments. Physiological, Biochemical and Ecological Aspects” to be held in Lviv, 4-6 October, 2017. Abstracts are welcome on any aspect of  development of individual plants and preservation of biodiversity of natural flora, integrity of plant organisms and functional regulation of ontogenesis, mechanisms of plants tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses, phytomonitoring and phytoremediation of anthropogenic environmental pollution.

    Proposals for sessions (containing full details of speakers and abstracts) should be submitted on standard forms available below to  biofr@lnu.edu.ua no later than Sunday 30, April 2017. For participation in the Conference you have  to send completed application form and abstract as attachments on e-mail address: Filename of the abstract should contain the name of the first author, for example,  bakun_abstract.rtf.  Deadline for submission is  April 30, 2017.

    Application form

    First name:____________________________________

    Last name:____________________________________

    Title and scientific degree:________________________



    Institution address:______________________________

    Abstract title:___________________________________

    Section № _____________________________________

    Report (oral/poster):______________________________

    Requirements for abstracts

    Abstracts for 1 page (A4) should be submitted in rtf format 1.0 spaced, font Arial, 12 pt.  The abstract should include: title, introduction, materials and methods, research results and their discussion, brief conclusion, gratitude (optional), without figures, tables and list of cited references.

    All submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by. Abstracts with positive review will be accepted for publication.

    Abstract sample:

    Names of authors (name of the speaker should be underlined)


    The official name of the institution, the full post address


    The main text (relevance, goals and objectives, methods, research results, conclusions).

    Bakun V., Terek O., Patsula O.


    Ivan Franko National University of Lviv

    Hrushevsky st., 4, Lviv, 79005, Ukraine

    e-mail: vira_b87@ukr.net


    The Scientific Committee has the right to refuse abstracts containing the previously published data and materials that are not relevant to the conference topic and with low scientific level.


    The opening ceremony of the Conference will take place at the main building of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, 1, Universytetska st., Lviv, 79000 Ukraine. Sessions – at the Biological Faculty building of Lviv University, 4 Hrushevskyy st., 79005, Lviv, Ukraine  between Wednesday 4 October and Friday 6 October 2017.




    A full provisional program will be published in September 2017.

    The opening session will be on the afternoon/evening of Wednesday 4 October.  The main conference sessions will be held during the following Thursday and Friday. Wednesday will be devoted to excursions.

    Details of plenary speakers will be available on the web-site of the Conference in April, 2017.

    An extensive program of  a wide range of museums and historical sites in and around Lviv is planned. Further details will be available in September, 2017. Booking for these visits will be included within the conference registration process, available in autumn 2017.

    Conference Registration Fees

    The conference registration fee will be in the region of $100 ($50 for unwaged, including students) plus any charges for excursions and conference dinner as appropriate.

    Registration fee categories



    Booking fee





    One day


    Accompanying guest


    Conference dinner (standing buffet), 4 October 2017 - optional


    Post-conference  trips

    Individually priced


    Travel, accommodation

    Travel, accommodation and meals carried individually. All the necessary information about Lviv available at  http://lviv.travel/ua/index . The organizing committee can provide further information personally.


    Invitation and conference program will be send in early September 2017.

    For more information about the conference, please email us: biofr@lnu.edu.ua


    Scientific program


    The proposed topics are:

    1. Development of individual plants and preservation of biodiversity of natural flora

    2. Integrity of plant organisms and functional regulation of ontogenesis

    3. Mechanisms of plants tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses

    4. Phytomonitoring and phytoremediation of anthropogenic environmental pollution

    5. Quality and quantity of energy crops biomass growed at the abandoned military and industrially contaminated lands


    Scientific committee:

    Acad.  Blum, Ya. – Ukraine

    Prof. Grytsaenko, Z. – Ukraine

    Prof. Karpenko, V. – Ukraine

    Prof. Kolupaev, Yu. Ukraine

    Dr.Sci. Kotc, S.Ukraine

    Prof. Kostyshyn, S. Ukraine

    Dr.Sci. Kozlovskyi, M. – Ukraine

    Prof. Krynytskyi, G. – Ukraine

    Prof. Lykcholat, Yu. – Ukraine

    Acad. Morgun, V. – Ukraine

    Dr.Sci. Musatenko, L.Ukraine

    Prof. Nikolaychuk, V. –Ukraine

    Prof. Ördög, V. – Hungary


    Prof. Ponomarenko, S. Ukraine

    Prof. Pidlisniuk, V. – Czech Republic

    Prof. Pyda, S. – Ukraine

    Prof. Rudenko, S. Ukraine

    Dr.Sci. Shvartau, V. Ukraine

    Prof. Skorzhynska, Е. - Poland

    Prof. Stoyka, R. Ukraine

    Prof. Taran, N. Ukraine

    Prof. Terek, O. Ukraine

    Prof. Vatamaniuk, O. – USA

    Prof. Zaika, V. – Ukraine

    Prof. Zhmurko, V. Ukraine



    Official languages:

    English, Ukrainian




    August 27, 2016 – August 30, 2016