##manager.scheduler.building##: Факультет іноземних мов
##manager.scheduler.room##: Ауд. 405
Дата: 2018-06-08 03:00 – 05:30
Змінено: 2018-06-02
The knowledge of a foreign language is required for students, teachers and researchers, as it allows them to obtain good education, conduct research activities, enrich their experience and training abroad. In the context of the Bologna process, Ukrainian universities develop training programs, guidelines and manuals according to European standards and international educational programs.
According to S. Ter-Minasova, lately the study of the language has become more pragmatically oriented, with a corresponding attitude to language as an instrument of production and means of real communication. [2]. Competence is the sum of knowledge, skills and characteristics that allows a person to perform certain actions. Communicative competences are those that enable a person to act by applying specific linguistic means. Communicative competence is interpreted as the sum of basic competences: linguistic (language); sociolinguistic (speech); pragmatic (social). This competence should be included in the context of the future professional activity of a specialist. The program of discipline "English" for full-time and part-time students is supposed to improve their skills to use English in a variety of communicative situations and to read literature in their specialty. Formation of foreign professional competence of students of natural sciences is based on the comprehensive application of elements of the effective methods of teaching a foreign language for special purposes.
Grammar-translation and text-translation methods belong to translation methods of teaching foreign languages. Grammar translation method has the purpose of assimilation grammar constructions of a foreign language and formation of abilities and skills of reading literature in a foreign language. [1, 3]. This technique considers sentences as the basic unit of language. The predominant form of work is the study of lexical units of educational texts, translation and recording unknown words in a personal vocabulary, learning the rules of grammar and their processing. Text-translation method involves mastering the new vocabulary in the process of reading, learning by heart the fragments of the text and translating. Grammar structures are proposed for consideration in the form of comments to texts [1].
The method of "direct" learning aims at forming the skills to think in a foreign language. [1] First of all, it is necessary to form students' skills of communication in a foreign language, then to develop their ability to read and write. Lexis and grammar are easier to learn if they are considered in a natural, conversational context.
The audio-lingual method of foreign language teaching [1] is based on the fact that imitation and learning by heart are the basic principles of teaching a foreign language. The system provides a passive training perception and intuitive understanding of a foreign language. The students answer the common questions; repeat the words, expressions and sentences.
A comprehensive approach to the problem of foreign language teaching initiates the search activity of students, develops the ability to orientate in situations of professional and every day communication, enriches the emotional background of the learning process, forms the motivation of linguistic, socio-cultural, communicative and scientific self-improvement, provides knowledge and resources for the creation of a competitive scientific and technological product and its attractive presentation to the world scientific community.
- Микитенко Н. О. Ефективні методики формування іншомовної професійної компетентності майбутніх фахівців природничих спеціальностей Наукові записки Тернопільського національного педагогічного університету. Серія: Педагогіка. — 2011. — № 2. — С. 160–169.
- Тер-Минасова С. Г. Язык и межкультурная коммуникация: [electronic sources]: http://www.gumer.info/bibliotek_Buks/Linguist/Ter/_Index.ph
- Richards J. C., Rodgers T. S. Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching. — Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. — 270 p.